Okay, so I just thought that was an amusing hashtag, but out of curiosity I did check - and yes, it's on twitter. There's not that many. But still. It's there. That's hysterical.
The funny thing about jobs to me is hearing the stories that happen behind the scenes. The things you never think about happening because all you see is the finished product. Like hearing that house staff clean the seats at an outdoor stadium before every game. Seriously? Someone has to do that? I figured at an outdoor game, I'd just have to take my chances with the dust! That actually gets done?
Likewise, I never thought I'd come home at the end of the day and say "Y'know what? My thumbs feel like they're on fire."
Since I was on corsage work all day long for Mother's Day & the last prom of the season, my thumbs got a lot of repetitive use. And then I stabbed one of the them on a sharp wire and blood gushed out.
I did not know blood could gush out of your thumb. But I can now assure you - it can. It was pretty funny. Sort of.
Also, I have glue stuck under my fingernails. And somehow on my jeans.
But it was all good. I was actually really pleased with my corsage work today (oo, maybe I could snatch a pic or two tomorrow!) which is really the first time I've come off a load of them feeling that way. I'm pleased. I didn't even really do a high quantity of them - at all- but the few I had were very time consuming and specific.
But while Mother's Day has been going on - and I do need to get the final, official count on this - I'm pretty sure we've taken a dozen family pieces this week. Eleven of which were made or will be made before the week is technically up. Crazy. Good crazy.
Or sort of. Wait. I mean. Um. I like making casket pieces? It's good for business? See? This never sounds good. I can never say "I get joy out of making casket pieces" without that sounding terrible.
You guys get it though. You love me. (Right? Right?)
Meanwhile, I've recently discovered a blog (thanks Dave!) entitled The Introverted Church which is pretty great. I'm not really crazy about the introvert-power movement that seems to be trying to happen (and is pretty funny when you think about that) but I do like reading through a lot of their thoughts and opinions on the subject in general. Its amusing to see kindred spirits who can say things like But I like spending hours in total solitude. Also, I do struggle with a lot of this at church, so it's not only nice to see others talk about the issue, but relate to it as well.
Out of curiosity, a few months back I decided to retake the Keirsey Temperament Sorter to see if I had changed any as an adult. I was just wondering if anything had shifted. But nope, I'm still happily an Idealist/Counselor, an INFJ. (Excepting maybe the whole "prophetic seer, psychic" thing. Hm.)
Anyway. Speaking of being an introvert - and one who really does like watching quietly, and not just by how I gain energy - I visited my first charismatic church last Sunday! (No worries, I have no plans to leave my church.) I shall blog about that soon.
The4thDave’s 2024 Reading List!
1 month ago
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