Won't you take me down to Memphis on a midnight ride?

on June 10, 2011
Flying across the land, trying to get a hand, playing in a travelin' band...

In unrelated news:

Apparently the Tonys are this Sunday. Who knew? I actually thought they were next week. Will I watch? Oh, probably. I don't really know what's up, but I didn't last year either and still got excited at the last minute, so I'm expecting similiar results.
Also, Spiderman: Turn off the Dark will be performing (though not eligible for any awards since it hasn't officially opened yet) so that should be interesting. The show is officially frozen now and back open to critics. It will officially open Tuesday, June 14th. (This looks like a pretty well-handled, fair new review if you're interested. It also appears to note most of the major changes.)

Speaking of next week, Company is playing throughout the week at a local movie theatre. Holly's already mentioned her interest (yay!) so I think we're going. ;)

Tonight I discovered Plants vs. Zombies and I have to admit that's a pretty fun game. Not necessarily too challenging so far, but amusing to despair for suns while zombies attack your garden.

The stories from Jopin still break my heart. I don't even know what to say in light of this new struggle.

In good news, I had dinner with Phyllis tonight which was wonderful as always. Chips and salsa may or may not have been involved. You never know with us (actually, you probably do.)

There are way too many anniversaries in June. I've already missed a few. No one else in my circle can get married in June. The limit has been breached.

Many of you read Epbot, but in case you don't, these silhouettes were just too amazing not to share. They're from Olly Moss' art show Paper Cuts. I have no idea who that is, but you should check out their blog because there are loads more (including Godzilla) and they're all wonderful. These are just some of the ones I was happiest to see:

Will, did we ever watch your full season of this? We should.

You know you're already singing it. I love the use of the map!

I thought this was the sweetest one. Up.

Sigh. I really, really hate to admit that it took me a second to get this one. And then all I could think of was a lion being drawn in crayon with a crown on his head... Maybe I have a block against lions. Or...maybe just against the obvious. *headdesk*

How many theme songs are stuck in your head now? :)

This one is merely for me. One of my favorite animes. Ride on, Cowboy.

And of course....
This made me smile. The days are just packed.


Travis said...

*Note to self: when I get married, aim for June.*

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