I am so sleepy. And going to bed. We had an awesome evening celebrating Holly's birthday at Red Robin. Several of us hadn't seen in each in a few weeks so it was HYSTERICAL.
I actually should post quotes from that. Sadly, I would probably get them wrong. Which would be a shame.
But that makes me think of this: tonight Eric pulled up a video clip that had me in hysterics with this line and I have to share it.
"I watched an anime once - dude pulled a gun at the start of the episode, fired it at the end and everything in between was angst! I wouldn't mind, but he MISSED."
- The Escapist
(Don't misinterpret- I love anime.)
Happy birthday to my beautiful friend, Holly! Thank you for always being the sweet sister that brightens my day and makes me smile. I love you dearly and hope you had a most wonderful day.
The4thDave’s 2024 Reading List!
1 month ago
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