...or at least of meltdowns.
The May Recap: The Complaint.
This month has been entirely too stressful. Prepare to be overloaded with garbage. (or you can skip reading completely, which is also okay with me since I don't really want to recall it either).
Unfortunately for May, it happened to follow April, which was also entirely too stressful. April was my boss being hospitalized and near death, computer chaos, trying to somewhat manage the shop and being overwhelmed with social gatherings of whatever kinds. May has been Mothers Day, crazier computer chaos, boss still recovering, Memorial Day, being overwhelmed with social gatherings of all kinds, dance recitals, proms, graduations, weddings, learning to take weddings... May is also the annual emotional minor crisis of Mothers Day & dad's birthday, which happened to fall on the same day this year. And this year that was just particularly worse because I was already so worn that I was not mentally capable to handle the anniversaries. I have broken down in tears more times than, well, okay, since December, but nonetheless I have let it all spill over moreso than usual. My emotions have been completely disrupted. I have missed my parents so much the thought of them has plagued me daily this month, or actually more accurate, the thought of what it would be like to have parents at all. Blah.
There. Release.
Other stuff also happened. I don't remember it all and I'm sure you're grateful.
So, seriously, May? Seriously? Notably, it's always my worst month. While December is also busy and emotional, May doesn't have the joy of Christmas or the afterglow of Thanksgiving. In school, it was always finals stress and getting out of the dorms and what do I do now plus the emotional loss. Now, especially because of where I work, it's end of year arrangements and Mother's Day, the second (if not largest sometimes) holiday of our year. This year was almost a bit more than I could take.
But today...was good. Today was glorious. I did not leave the house. I did not get out of my pajamas. I had a lovely healthy lunch and dinner with my grandma, and then brownies to top it off, played video games all day, made progress on my pictures overhaul and essentially hid in the shelter of my room. Also, I'm going to bed. At 11:30. Ha. Take that May. This is me sticking my tongue out at you.
Hello June! Lovely to see you. Care for some coffee? Tea? Brownie? I'll play nice if you will, I promise.
The4thDave’s 2024 Reading List!
1 month ago