Chronicling V-Day: Starting Production.

on February 7, 2012
Official Countdown: 6 days left. 

Today I greened over 70 vases.

54 vases of greening to go, 54 vases to take one down, spin it around, 53 vases of greening to go....
Which means I did this (Look, its my knife! Aw, the things you get attached to....)

After processing in your flowers, greening vases is the next step and an awesome time saver. As long as they're in the cooler, it makes no different to your flowers (and even less so to greens) whether they're sitting in water in a bucket or sitting in a vase arranged. So we can begin arranging dozens this far in advance without doing them any harm. Since today was (thankfully) so quiet we were actually able to get all our dozen vases filled with greens, water & flower food in one day (plus a few others.) That's about 100 bouquets already halfway complete. It's fantastic. 

And then, since sometime in the summer we removed our machine that dethorns our roses in bulk, we began dethorning them by hand. 


That's a lot of roses to dethorn by hand, folks. I'm thinking we're not even gonna make it through all the red.  


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