Unfortunately, we are still in an extreme drought. I just finished watching the 10:00 news where there were two major wildfires going on in the north throughout the day, one of which is still burning. We're getting pretty desperate for rain, especially before the summer hits. Please pray for rain.
Nonetheless, today was productive. Grandma & I have started playing in the outdoors, which is nice. Our lawn mower is finally fixed from last summer. I have now sprayed sections of our backyard with weedkiller. We're mentally mapping out our flower garden.
I am determined to grow cosmos again this year.

One of last year's few surviving blooms...
Last year we used old seed, not to mention they were also flooded by all the spring rain we received and almost taken over by grass. So five blooms survived. This year I'm hoping they'll grow like crazy.
And I'm quite fond of the color our hydrangeas turned last year, due to all the coffee beans grandma fed them...
Since hydrangeas change their color based on the soil their in, this year could go either way. They could remain that beautiful shade of purple, or return to their original tone of pink. Either way, they've been growing so well they're gorgeous either way.
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