I actually posted several days ago about my final thoughts on the first season of LOST. But blogger decided to eat that post and I was miffed enough that I haven't rewritten it. Mrr.
Instead, since I just returned from Cowboys & Aliens, you're getting a different review. This was the closing movie of the summer for me - sure, there may be others I see, but this was the last big summer blockbuster I was looking forward to in a season that was full of them.
But wait, I skipped Cap! We have to rewind.
First off, can we just say that both these movies had an awesome looking poster?

I mean, really. Those are awesome.
Okay, here we go.
Captain America: The First Avenger
Solid. That's the best word for this movie. This was a very solid movie.
It's very good - I wouldn't change a thing - and I really enjoyed it. Somehow, though, it still felt slightly...formulaic. Like Marvel has figured out the best way to make a comic book movie and just did their thing. Or maybe it's simply we've watched so many superhero movies now that you already know the pattern - the hero has to start out weak, gain his powers, learn to use them, grow into them, and become his fully fledged self. That's just how it goes.
I don't know. It just didn't feel quite as fresh as some of the others, somehow.
That being said - again, I wouldn't change a thing. The ending was beautiful, there were some really lovely bits of humor, the acting was totally top notch (Chris Evans as Rogers is fantastic) and the storyline was great. The 40's feel to the movie was brilliant. Go see this movie. I'm just saying - for some reason- it just didn't feel quite as, well, fresh as the others.
I liked it, it's just not my favorite.
And the after-the-credits scene in this one? Wow. Wow, wow, wow.
Cowboys & Aliens
(I have no comparison to the comic book with this movie. Until a few days ago when Brad told me it was originally a comic book, I had no idea. So this is strictly movie based alone.)
Ha. Oh, this movie. This movie drew many different responses from us and they're all totally understandable.
This is what I wanted: I wanted to watch Daniel Craig beat up some aliens. That's all I wanted out of this movie. If Harrison Ford beat up some as well, even better. Enough of a plot to carry the movie, some great western scenes and cowboys taking out the aliens. That's it.
So, for the most part, I enjoyed it.
Truthfully, I don't have much interest in alien premises - I'll wave aside most movies that include them - the idea of "are we alone" is interesting, but that's about it. It's kind of like zombies for me - I'm not that interested in zombies. Sure, there are a few movies I won't mind seeing that include them, but I'm certainly not going out looking for them. There's just no desire there. But I wanted to see this one because it seemed like such a fun mashup. Cowboys versus aliens? Yes, please.
First off, this movie has some beautiful scenic shots and an even more perfect soundtrack. I loved the music for this movie. (Apparently the music was composed by the guy who did Narnia's soundtrack, which was also amazing. Good memory, Holly!)
Secondly, you're going to see western cliches. Its stylized that way.
Thirdly....sigh. There is a point in the movie - about halfway in - that may make or break it for you. I was sooo disappointed for about twenty minutes and ready to give up on it, when it went back to the original alien/cowboy showdown and I was content again. But at that point, blah. Blah blah blah.
Not to mention we were all sick of the trailer. Eric & I made the same joke at two separate times - at least in going to see the actual movie, we wouldn't have to sit through the trailer for it.
If you came out of this movie hating it, I wouldn't even have to ask you why. I would already understand. You may be better off renting it or finding it at a local dollar theatre. As for me, this was my summer action flick. Had it continued down the path I thought it was going to push, I would've been done with it. But it did right itself for me after that twenty minutes.
So the biggest factor on your enjoyment level all depends on what you're going in for.
Tbat's the last of my summer blockbusters! What a great year. We do still have an incredibly promising next season: 2012 brings about both The Avengers and Dark Knight Rises. Those two movies alone carry the whole waiting period.
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